Monday, June 21, 2010

This Site is Getting Lots of Traffic.. Note to Readers... Umpqua Bank CEO and the Trustee Lawsuit so many are Googling..

If you have questions or want information emailed to you on the Summit 1031 Exchange Company, email me at - as you can see some of my sites have dropped and other information is out there.. it is a bit scattered at this time.. however I can see from the Stats on this Site that there is a need for information so if you want some email me. .

Also I will post Web Stat information soon as WOW.. and still Kampala Uganda .. now googling for ray davis umpqua email address... I believe that the Brian Stevens has Money hid in Uganda.. I believe from the craziness of my stat counter in the end of March and in April that there is Millions upon Millions Hid by the Summit 1031 Principals.. in Several States, Several Countries, in Churches, in Foundations, in Assets to Relatives and Friends.. Lots has happened since March 21st..

I still have all of Mark's emails, the Stats and other information.. so if you need it to get Justice for the Creditors with the Umpqua Lawsuit email me..

Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger...


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